What in the world does it mean to be a present traveler?
This week, the community I live in was completely rocked by the sudden passing of a 14 year old girl, named Alivea. To say that we are heartbroken is an understatement. There are never words to describe tragedies such as this.
In many ways, things seem like business as usual. They still aren’t finished with the building of the hotel down the street. There’s still a sign up on Interstate 95 that says that Highway 21 is closed due to a recent plane crash. Nice, older ladies, who seem like they have probably lived a hard life are still working at the local Waffle House, and people are posting on Facebook about the vacations they are taking, since it’s summertime.
Yet, things are definitely NOT business as usual, and things are not right with the world. Even though things “look” the same, internally, there is a bit of constant sadness that prevails over each day. It colors even the most mundane activities and places. Which, honestly, I believe is as it should be. We should be deeply affected when a tragedy hits close to home.
Despite the obvious pain of the passing of this little girl, there have already been a couple of really good things that have come from this difficult time. It’s been amazing to see how our community has come together to support the family of the girl, and in a very short period of time. But the biggest thing that has stood out to me is the number of people who have posted their stories about how much the girl affected them, personally, or about how she sought to impact the world. These stories have been numerous. These range from encouraging her teacher to wanting to adopt children from other countries. It’s obvious she had an impact on many people and both her wisdom and passion for life seem to have far exceeded her 14 years on earth.
But what do we do with all of that?
At the very least, we should take note and say, “How do I ensure these events do not become merely a blip on the timeline of my life with no long-term impact? How should I be different in response to what has happened?”
In a lot of ways, for me, the answer to those questions is the very reason why I started doing this blog, in the first place. And it’s the very reason it’s called, “The Present Traveler.” I want to be the kind of person whose legacy is the impact that I have on the world and how I lived my life to the fullest. I want others to see how I have gone through life not as an absent traveler, but as a present one. Not to bring glory or recognition to myself but to inspire others to do the same. Through this blog, I want to encourage others to be a present traveler, whether that be through serving others, experiencing a relationship with God, working at a job or going to school or even how a person experiences travel. Most of the time we have such a tendency to get caught up in all of the things in life that really don’t matter and then it’s not until tragedy hits that we are reminded of the things that are most important. I want to strive to be a person who is fully present in my life each day, not just when something bad happens and I’m reminded of it. I hope this blog will serve to do the same for others.
Thanks to Alivea for reminding us how important it is to live life to the fullest and work hard to have an impact on the word. Thanks for showing us what it means to be a present traveler.